I love Malagaaa x


Hey guys I'm Isobel, Im a Graphic Design student in Bife. I am so excited to be chosen to go on the erasmus trip in Malaga. I can't wait for the next 3 weeks, I hope I learn a lot about graphic design and experience lots of new things :))

We arrived to the airport at the check in desk in Dublin at 8;45am.  I was sooo exhausted but excited.  Everyone was definitely buzzing to get there and it was a great atmosphere. Once we went through security we went straight to the bar for a pint. I met my  new house mate K Lou for the first time and she was lovely.  I wasn't that nervous to share apartment with a stranger because we are similar ages and both girls who like similar things. I am buzzing to get to know her and everyone else that is on the trip.

When we arrived to Malaga it was so warm! I was so happy to be there, Everyone was really excited and giddy. We got a bus to our accommodation and I was actually so surprised when we arrived because it was so nice. It exceeded my expectations big time, the apartment had one bedroom and a sofa bed in the living room, Katie and I decided to take turns 10 days in each so it is fair but I honestly dont mind staying in the living room it has great wifi and lots of space and the sofa bed is really comfy. It doesn't feel like a living room at all. The kitchen space is small but perfect it I really like our apartment. We also have air con so we are so spoiled. The location is really good too we are so near the beach and our internships. For the rest of day 1 we walked around and got tapas and a few drinks it was good craic.

We went to the beach and went on a walking tour of Malaga, I felt so lucky! πŸ˜€

I started my Internship on Wednesday in Mandala Impressiones, its essentially a shop that does personalised commissions , Our boss Lorena is so nice. She speaks very little english so there is a huge language barrier, I speak a lot of Spanish but there is still a lot of confusion when working on projects. I really enjoyed the first week at work I learnt so much in only 3 days. I was really surprised that she gave us projects to do for clients, Its amazing experience for my portfolio and I feel really positive about the entire experience. 

 Tote Bag I made in work! It was really fun to learn how to print onto t-shirts, bags etc, I also re designed a business card for the company. I loved doing this after a few weeks off college I was a bit rusty with the programs but enjoyed getting creative.

On the weekend we went to Granada, it was so beautiful there. We walked the Alhambra and did a guided tour, Alba was our tour guide she was so great, We drank Alhambra beer on top of the mountain and it was definitely a pinch me moment.
We then went for tapas and to look around, it was so hot in Granada we all felt really worn out by the end of the day but had an unreal time!πŸ’œ

On Sunday I spent the majority of the day at the beach relaxing and tanning, then few of us went for dinner for Sarahs last night. We are going to miss Sarah she is a legend!πŸ˜ŽπŸ’•

During the week in work it became a bit stressful with certain tasks we were given but our boss was understanding and knew we were beginners.  Apart from that during the week I went to the beach a lot and wandered around Malaga. One of the days we went to a flamingo show and it was such good craic, we all drank lots of wine and had tapas after with the music teacher Ken from Bife. It was great to get to know him and the other students. It was also national museum day so all museums were free in, I went into the Pablo Picasso museum and had an amazing time, I really recommend anyone who comes to Malaga to go see  it, I learnt a lot about Picasso this year in college so it was deadly to be in the presence of his work!πŸ’š

One of the lads Luke from the baking course had us over for some cake that he made in work, he made a Guinness can cake! It was sooo good !😻

Our boss in work took us on a trip of the Malaga Art University. We got to sit in on a few classes and see the things they offer. I was really impressed by the talent in the college and it made me excited for the future to progress onto further education after Bife.

On Friday we went on a big night out in Malaga, we really wanted to try a pint of Guinness over here so we went to the garrison Irish pub. It wasn't like the Guinness at home but we still drank it. The atmosphere in the pub was deadly we had a great  night.😎😎😎😎😎

On Saturday we went to Nerja, a seaside town near Malaga, it was gorgeous ! We went to the beach and the waves were soo big it was amazing. We also went to Frigalina , a near by town that was on a moutain, we were all wrecked so we got a train around the mountain instead of walking. It was gas craic. We then went back to Malaga and went to a night club, i was soo tired on Sunday but it was worth it! Such a great weekend πŸ’œπŸ˜ƒπŸ’–

Can't believe as i type this it is the final week of the trip. I would stay forever if I could! 😭

We went on a boat trip as one of the last activities on the last week, it was definitely one of the highlights of the 3 weeks it was so gorgeous , there was a bar on the boat too and we all had a drink and sat admiring the view. 

The last few days in Malaga we spent mostly at the beach soaking in the sun before going home , I was so sad to leave all my new friends i had made but  felt so greatful for the experience. Myself and Ben were really happy with our work experience and were sad to say goodbye to our Boss Lorena. 

Our trip home was emotional and we were all sad to say goodbye, our flight was delayed by a while but made the most of the airport and still managed to have a good time while waiting! 

I really recommend Erasmus+ to anyone thinking about applying not only is it a great learning experience to work in a workplace of your course that you study it is also amazing for personal development and to make friends and new experiences in a beautiful city! Everyday was a good day in the 3 weeks and I am so happy I applied it is honestly an experience I will never forget :))


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