That is where my spanish starts and ends, haha! Hi, my name's Romi and I'm going to Malaga in not too long from now! I'm still pretty much in disbelief that is something that is actually happening, like, really? Wow. Now, unfortunately, I am going to let you know a little bit about myself!
(This is a picture of me and my partner's dog!)
As I said, my name's Romi, hi! I was studying Legal Administration course in BIFE, but considering I have finished all my exams now, it's officially sort of over? I like playing video games and I like to do anything that allows me to be creative and free. Basically the opposite of what you'd expect from someone studying law. I'm very anxious and quiet at first, but I'm hopeful this is a great opportunity for me to grow and open up more. Trust me, you do not want a socially awkward and always worrying solicitor. Oh, also, I come from Czech Republic and have been living in Ireland for 5 years now, so learning yet another language is kinda hard but also so cool! If I'm hard to understand at any point, ever, be easy on me please!
It's now Sunday evening, and my nerves are off the scale. I am extremely nervous and worrying. BUT! At the end of this blog entry, perhaps I'll be saying how great this was an all the fun time I had and all the things I have learnt. Fingers crossed? Maybe it could even help out someone going on E+ in the future who's struggling with anxiety just like me, seeing that it's DOABLE and FUN!! Since I've been busy this past week with exams and whatnot, I don't think I've been getting ready at all and now it's settling in all at once. Also, is it too late to say I'm not a big fish eater?
We arrived to Malaga, Spain, at around 4 pm local time. We had someone pick us up at the aiport, the guy seemed like he did not want to be there though. Thanks for still bringing us to the destination safely!!
There has been not a single cloud until the 3rd day. Seriously. I mean it. Not a proper cloud. While it's only been around 23 to 25 degrees C, it felt like so much more. I guess since the sun is shining directly on us and there isn't all that much cover, it makes sense?
We got to our apartments quite fast. There is no lock, it's all locked with a fancy technology requiring a code. Except it's not all that fancy and the codes would be really easy to crack for anyone who wants to get in for whatever reason? The apartment is.. okay. I think I might be spoiled now, living in a house with 3 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms, but I really find this apartment rather small. I mean, it is perfect for the purpose we have it for and the amount of people that live in it. There is one bedroom and then a living room with a sofa-bed. It's quite comfortable and there is tons of natural light (and noise) from the outside. The living room doesn't have much light at all. The bathroom is NARROW. Like, imagine narrow. Now narrow it down. That is the bathroom. Once again, it does what it's supposed to do. It has a bathroom and it has a shower and it has a sink. What more do YOU want?? The area is great, too. A supermarket across the road, restaurants and the plaza 1 minute away (or less if you walk a normal human being speed aka faster than me), and a bus station just at the end of it. Not to mention all the nice streets, a museum, other sightseeing things, and the beach, ALL in a WALKING distance!! It's all so close, it feels like it's a tiny place yet there is so much to see and do. Woah.
The second first day, or the day we actually went to see our work places, was nice. I mean, we couldn't find MY workplace but once we made it, we made it. It's right behind the big department store. First work, then shop. The lady, Alina, a Russian who speaks Spanish, is very nice. Since she doesn't speak all that much English and my Spanish is non-existent, we mostly use our hands to talk. Which is fine if you don't mind using hands to talk. She is lovely. It's a new-to-be office, so nothing is really in place yet. My first day on the job was to set up computers and a printer, which is fine when it's in a language you understand, but I managed (yes, because I am THAT good). I forgot to mention - she sells houses and looks for clients to sell houses to. Some of them are rather nice. Yes, I had a little peek.
We had a walking tour in the centre of Malaga. It was nice, the lady was quirky and fun even tho she talked a lot and sometimes it was hard to udnerstand her, I quite enjoyed it. She also forced us to get ice cream. Yes, forced us. Our second trip-fun-activities-thing was looking at a sunset at the top of La Alcazaba. So, let me be honest here for a minute. It's all a steep uphill and it was cloudy so we didn't even get to see the sunset. The only thing that truly saved it was A CAT. It was adorable and nice and super cute. My dad said "just go there again to see the sunset another time". Yeah, as if.
(I might end up making a video of the videos I have taken during these days but not now)
(I, too, wish I was born and lived like this cat)
I did lots of walking around after works when we had nothing planned for us. Malaga is lovely and you find something interesting to see at almost every corner. If there is one thing I could recommend, it's to make the most out of it. You can just stroll everywhere and there's always something to see so, why not?
On Saturday that week, we went to Granada. It was lovely! The way there was long so unless you really hate long drives or get sick easily... good luck! The tour lady was very friendly and nice, and then being with Alba was always a pleasure too. Don't skip on Granada. If you do, do not complain to me!
The week flew by, didn't it..
2nd week was great!!! Not only did I go to Benalmádena to sell an appartment, which was great, we've got to go to a music museum. Honestly, it was lovely, even though I'm not a musician. I only ever played a recorder, haha. The music students tho, a full on concert! One can only recommend going to the music museum if you're in a group with music students!!
It was small, but charming. They had loads of different instruments on display, so many old and weird ones, from different parts of the world, it was very interesting. Oh and there was also this:
10/10 !!!!
We went to see a Flamenco Show as well, which by the way, I totally recommend doing. It was so so so much fun!! Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures, but enjoy this very long video instead:
When we were not doing anything as a group and I have been let go from work early, I decided to visit some other museums! The Museum of Málaga (Museo de Málaga) was really nice AND free! I don't know if it was free because the lady liked me or it was supposed to be free, but it was and it was so nice! The paintings were made blind people friendly, you could touch them and feel the different textures and depth to "see" the picture. I thought that was so incredibly cool and I'm glad it exists, it's honestly very important for everyone to be able to experience art.
And of course, the best one, the Picasso Museum. If you like art, you know Picasso. If you know Picasso, even tho he wasn't exactly a good person, his art is very famous and influential. I enjoyed looking at his paintings. I'd recommend going to that museum, it's small and cheap but nice!
I can truly relate to some of these paintings...
Seriously tho,
The last week flew by... Sadly. I did get a bit sick so I stayed indoors for 2 days and then truly realized "this is it, this is the last week", and it was so bittersweet. Anyways, we went on a boat trip!! It was only around an hour-ish but I had so much fun, I love water and apparently I love being on a boat too!
Isn't that just so... majestic? Anyways... Other than that, last minute shopping and food and enjoyment. If you plan on getting your work experience boss a flower boquet, get your cash ready. Oh, also, if you do get the time, go to Benalmádena to Sea Life!!! The bus ride there is only 1.70€, the tickets to the actual Sea Life are a bit pricey, around 17.50€ if I remember correctly but you also get a little card that gives you some % off the food around the place and the Sea Life was fun! I loved the tunnel with the fish above and all around us.
(I found him!!!)
This was a fantastic experience. The whole Erasmus+ thing was a fantastic experience. I don't know if I mentioned it at the beginning, but I am a very anxious person (diagnosed) so this was incredibly difficult for me, but I think it really helped me as a person to... gain some indenepdence and confidence? Am I now a confident queen? Maybe not that far but I definitely gained a new perspective on everything, and I'm extremely grateful I was able to do this. The experience is something I never want to forget. The people I went with were fantastic too, and I'm incredibly lucky that I've got in to a group of people like them. I don't really know what to say, except : Do everything that is there available to you, eat and drink a lot, do lots of sightseeing, and don't waste any time, because three weeks fly by. Enjoy yourself !!!!
Hi! My name is Ben and I'm currently studying graphic design in Bray Institute of Further Education. I had an enjoyable first year of my course and I can't begin to describe how excited I am for my upcoming trip to Málaga in May. I'm so incredibly lucky to have this opportunity and I promise that the most will be made of it. In my spare time away from assignments and part time work, I am most likely watching football. I'm probably the biggest Liverpool fan that I know of, so they take up quite a bit of my time! My father and brothers are also fans so it is nice to watch matches with them together. I love the outdoors and nature, so I love going on walks with my mother or my dog and taking it all in. I like to draw as well, so my graphic design course allows me to practice this hobby more. Last but not least, I adore travelling and seeing the world so my impending Erasmus trip is the perfect excuse to do something that I love! In the future I want to be able to look b...
Hey guys I'm Isobel, Im a Graphic Design student in Bife. I am so excited to be chosen to go on the erasmus trip in Malaga. I can't wait for the next 3 weeks, I hope I learn a lot about graphic design and experience lots of new things :)) We arrived to the airport at the check in desk in Dublin at 8;45am. I was sooo exhausted but excited. Everyone was definitely buzzing to get there and it was a great atmosphere. Once we went through security we went straight to the bar for a pint. I met my new house mate K Lou for the first time and she was lovely. I wasn't that nervous to share apartment with a stranger because we are similar ages and both girls who like similar things. I am buzzing to get to know her and everyone else that is on the trip. When we arrived to Malaga it was so warm! I was so happy to be there, Everyone was really excited and giddy. We got a bus to our accommodation and I was actually so surprised when we arrived because it was so nice. It ...
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