🇪🇸 Romi en Málaga 🇪🇸

08/05/2022 ¡ Hola! Me llamo Romana pero mi nombre es Romi. That is where my spanish starts and ends, haha! Hi, my name's Romi and I'm going to Malaga in not too long from now! I'm still pretty much in disbelief that is something that is actually happening, like, really? Wow. Now, unfortunately, I am going to let you know a little bit about myself! (This is a picture of me and my partner's dog!) As I said, my name's Romi, hi! I was studying Legal Administration course in BIFE, but considering I have finished all my exams now, it's officially sort of over? I like playing video games and I like to do anything that allows me to be creative and free. Basically the opposite of what you'd expect from someone studying law. I'm very anxious and quiet at first, but I'm hopeful this is a great opportunity for me to grow and open up more. Trust me, you do not want a socially awkward and always worrying solicitor. Oh, also, I come from Czech Republic and hav...