The great BIFE bake off ✈️

[Sunday May 8]

Hi my name is Luke Fitzgerald. I'm a baking, barista & pastry, student at Bray Institute of Further Education (BIFE), and I'm about to embark on my journey to Malaga as part of the erasmus + programme. 

I'm going to be working with my classmate Maria in an amazing bakery called Candy's Repostería

[Monday May 9]

We arrived in Malaga at 3pm. Everyone was escorted to their accommodation by the erasmus + team and we were given some time to get ourselves organised and explore the city.

[Tuesday 10 May]

After an induction meeting in the morning we were escorted to our work placement. It's here that Maria and I met the owner of Candy's Repostería who's name is also Maria. After a tour of the workplace we were allowed to head back to the city where we would go on a guided walking tour followed by a meal at the marina 

[Wednesday May 11]

Day one of work experience. Myself and my classmate Maria met at the plaza to make out journey to work. We were provided bus passes as our workplace was 40 minutes away by foot. We worked side by side with the owner to make tres leche (three milk cakes) which is something I have never baked before. These cakes were to be delivered to a restaurant  in the city. We also began prepping other orders for the rest of the week. Before we left we were treated to a unique cheesecake made by the owner Maria. 


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